You do not get lost in numbers with us!
keeping of accounts, tax records, payroll processing, human resources management, preparation and completion of juridical and natural person income tax
Devote your time and energy to things you like and in which you are professionals
We are here for you

Keeping accounts

We keep accounting professionally and accurately. We guarantee discretion and loyalty.

Keeping accounts

Tax records

We arrange professional tax records for all kinds of companies of various size.

Tax records

Payroll elaborating

Responsibility for your payroll – responsibility for elaborating of your employees´payroll.

Payroll elaborating

Tax returns

We elaborate all types of tax returns, attendant tax reports and announcements.

Tax returns

Accounting and tax agency

Our accounting and tax agency offers to our clients comprehensive services of keeping accounts, tax records, payroll elaborating, human source management (staffing, personnel administration), elaborating of natural and juridical persons´ income tax return, road tax, VAT and property tax.

  • Accounting, tax records, payrolls and other administration is worked out in Economical system POHODA. We are also able to work in our clients´systems.
  • In case of using of our external services it is possible to hand over the documents according to mutual agreement – personally either at your place or at our place, possibly by email, mail, courier …
  • Elaborating of accounting is offered both externally from our office and internally from the place where the client works.
  • After closing of accounting period we elaborate year end closing, we present income tax return on your behalf and we present to you accurately arranged documents.
  • We prefer individual attitude to each client. We watch all legislative changes and inform you immediately.
  • We guarantee to our clients absolute discretion and secrecy about all circumstances of cooperation and elaborated data.
  • Satisfied client is most important for us. Accounting and tax consultancy is offered any time day or night.
  • Our accounting and tax agency is insured for responsibility for caused damage. Your accounting is in the best hands in our agency.
  • We are not “accounting factory”, we think over each document and we prefer personal contact with the client and individual attitude.
  • We watch clients who are not VAT payees if their turnover has not overreached legal limit for registration for VAT during 12 following months. If that happens, we prepare materials for registration at local tax office.
  • We cooperate with a tax adviser. We will give you advice about a lot of complicated tax cases and guarantee possibility for tax return on 30.6.